Friday, May 21, 2010

1:1 tech Week 9 Google Earth

Here is the graffiti of local Belgrade artists.

I would like to take the students to the country and city of the artists we study. We could also follow the artists on their travels.

I have used Google Earth before. But this time as I located my home in Connecticut, I was surprised at the lack of accuracy in street locations.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

tech 1:1 week 8 Washington Basilica ceiling

A trip to the Catholic Basilica in Washington DC.

One section of the ceiling of the Basilica Picasa techniques used are saturation, sharpening, color temperature adjustment, highlights, and manual cropping.

tech 1:1 WEEK 8 How 8th graders see themselves!

Picasa collage of selected photos from Picasa Library with sharpening, background, rotation of photos.
Version 1 is in Sepia and Version 2 in the original complementary colors.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

tech 1:1 week 7

Letter to the Editor
Students mass sharing? They are doing that already. ISB's role? At this moment ISB is doing the most important of preparatory steps -- it is training its staff to be proficient with MANY aspects of computer use in education. To put a teacher, headful of knowledge and methodology full of experience, before a class of laptops would be a recipe for failure unless the teacher is experienced enough with computer possibilities.

Another important step in preparing students is to refine their research skills in:
~evaluating the reliability of sources
~evaluating the validity of sources
~evaluating the completeness of sources
~citing sources when quoting material
~researching multiple sources
~proofreading source material since the level of language usage varies greatly
in accuracy
~eliminating plagiarism
~reading large amounts of background material so that this onslaught of mass knowledge can be put in perspective

These skills may have been presented in high schools in the past; they now need to be started in lower schools ... a formidable task is before us!

P.S. Mr Editor: I love this YouTube video. Please help Mr. Leadbeater with his grammar:
birds nest is possessive
everyone is a singular indefinite pronoun taking a singular antecedent.